Wednesday, November 2, 2011

For every pound of shrimp hauled in, three to 15 pounds of unwanted animals die in the process

I know tears will run down Dr. Otto's face when he read this!...Wild shrimp is usually caught in trawl nets. These nets catch everything in their path, including endangered sea turtles, juvenile fish, seahorses and other marine life. This unintended catch, called bycatch, is thrown overboard, dead or dying. Shrimp trawling has the highest bycatch of any commercial fishery. Shrimp trawling accidentally catches and kills more than 1.8 million tons of marine life each year, including turtles, sharks and other animals, accounting for more than 25% of the world's wasted catch. How can this be allowed? What can we do to stop this type of activity? I don't eat shrimp because I am allergic to it. But Shrimp from the U.S. (wild-caught and farmed) is a "Good Alternative" to wild-caught imported shrimp. Pink shrimp from Oregon, and spot prawn from British Columbia are "Best Choices." 

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