Thursday, December 8, 2011

Animal Cruelty: Do People Ever Learn?

According to Jeremy Wise of an animal cruelty charge against New Brockton Mayor Lenwood Herron will head to trial after Circuit Judge Thomas Head denied a motion to dismiss the charges. Come on! I thought Vick was a lesson for us. I guess they never learned. Read the whole article here---->

Greenhouse Gas Emission

The simplest way to put is to come up with a simpler way. None of us want to see our grandkids suffer by climate change in such a way that they can’t solve it. Global warming is real and we need to act fast before it gets out of hand. We know what to do. We just need your help and contribution to get it done. Play your role and I'll play mine!

Become a Vegetarian TODAY!

I am not a Doctor (yet) but I recommend everyone to become a vegetarian. I know it is not an easy choice. I myself am still fighting on becoming a vegetarian. The only thing I know is that it is better for your health and the environment we live in. I never cared about the environment as much as I’ve cared about it the last couple of months. Colloquium has really changed my perspective on many issues and being a vegetarian is the best choice! Watch this video on the health benefits on becoming a vegetarian and maybe you might be convinced just like I was.

The End of The World

This is some scary stuff. Well you know, 2012 is approaching and I am just being a little skeptical about what might happen. So this is the best way I found it might happen. It might not happen in 2012 but sometime in the near future. Sorry for the professional language. I did not make the video :) 

Down and Out in The Magic Kingdom

I really liked the book to be honest. It was a quick read. once I started reading it I did not want to put it down. I read it in ONE DAY!!! It was really interesting and the drama mix with science fiction in it made it more interesting to me. I don't think we would ever have a society like that or a "Back Up" system, and even something that would replaces money. However, it had some great ideas in it and I think we might see in the future (living in space???). I am glad that the book was selected to read for the class. I will recommended it to all of my friends that are into science fiction.

Our Planet Is Dying

At least somebody cares! This video features Jim Carrey trying to persuade others to care about the environment and not to kill animals. Very funny

The Black Hole Makes Us Greedy

This has nothing to do with the fact the Black Hole is a serious issue but think about how some peoples mind works. As soon as they have some money, they want to possess more and more. What I learned from this video is not to be greedy, not to manipulate others, and be happy with what you have. Watch this and see what you can get out of it. Oh it’s funny too :)