Friday, September 9, 2011

Python vs. Gator

I know this might be old news to some of you but I was driving through alligator alley (I75) today and I saw 2 dead gators near the highway (@ different locations). I could not tell if they were hit by cars or not because it didn't seem like it (was not crushed) . Then my cousin and I started talking about what happened back in 2005 when the 13foot python tried to swallow the 6foot alligator and ultimately burst! that was big news in SW FL...I think I was 14years old when it happened...check out the story here======> 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A video worth watching--- link

This is a video I stumbled upon while I was doing my daily "web reading"
It talks about global warming and how NASA is working to gather more information about climate change. Click on the link below to watch it and leave a comment on my blog.

First Trip With Dr. Otto FGCU University Colloquium 9/7

Above are two of the many pictures I took at Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary...yeah I know a lot of us took the same pictures but I am sure Dr. Otto will choose those two because of their quality! (lol a little too confident there) In all seriousness, it was a great trip and I learn a number of things. By the way... I think the first picture is from a bear...what do you think?